• Other Services


Medical Welfare

To give life to others is a great art of charity.

CFHC concentrates on the physical wellbeing of the people in the society.

Every year we conduct medical camps, dental and eye camps in various villages mainly Manapakkam, Sithalapakkam, and Kolapakkam. We dispense free medicines to all the patients. Over 200-250 people were screened for various ailments during the free medical camp organized by the BAY community, USA with the assistance of the 2 local doctors

A team of doctors and paramedical personnel from the Bay Community, United Sates of America conducted the camp. Medical cards carrying information such as the patient’s name and address, weight, blood sugar level, blood pressure reading, diagnosis and the treatment given were distributed.

Programs for physical wellbeing

  • General medical camps
  • Dental camps for School Children and general public
  • Eye camps
  • The Eye Screening camp are organised with an aim to give Free Surgical treatment for cataracts and also testing the eye sights.
  • Free reading glass and sun-glass are also provided to all
